COVID Hangover part 3 was going to be an article focused on finding opportunities for growth over the last 6 months and how we as a collective have learned so much through this past year. Seems the virus had other plans. Seems we are not quite finished with this one. In fact, we might Read More…
It can be assumed that we have all suffered the side effects of an immense COVID hangover. In our first article, we mentioned our symptoms of this hangover which included confusion, uncertainties, insecurities, and general overall anxiety. As we move into our new phases, our most recent hangover side effects include economic downfall, job Read More…
It can safely be said that most of humanity is in the throes of a post-Covid hangover. Symptoms of this hangover include confusion, uncertainties, insecurities, and general overall anxiety. Unlike a few too many margarita hangovers, this one hasn’t dissipated the next day. The head spins, fogginess, and confusion are lasting several weeks, and according Read More…
When it comes to parenting in a world full of potential dangers, it seems that many of us have mastered the skill of using our imaginations. Possibly, mastered it too much. Let me explain. In the last Soul Happy article, we discussed how that 90’s purple dinosaur, Barney, would be proud of us parents Read More…
Thinking about our past pains and heartbreaks is tough, but new research about our heart-brain frequencies provides a radical approach to our healing process. We recently had the opportunity to discuss the topic of heartbreak with Best Self Media. Read the full article here.
Alright, I confess. Twenty years ago, I used Barney the purple dinosaur as a babysitter. I spent way too many hours in front of the TV inserting VCR tapes of Barney and Friends. During those early parenting years, Barney threats came in handy. If one of my kids wasn’t playing nice, I would announce, “Barney Read More…
I think it’s safe to say that the world could use a little more kindness, with the reality of mass shootings, sexual harassment, political bullying, and beyond, we see daily acts of the opposite of kindness, empathy, and love. Just A Little Bit of Kindness Sure, you think, it all sounds good and well…but what’s a Read More…
Valentine’s day is this month, it can be a wonderful opportunity to express love and affection toward the people you love, or it can be a difficult time. Sometimes, this day can evoke much sadness. It is all part of this human experience to love, fall in love, and unfortunately, we can also experience heartbreak. Read More…
Ever wonder why it’s so hard to keep New Years Resolutions? Here’s the bad news, you are programmed to actually NOT keep your promises made to yourself about changing your daily habits, and it’s really not your fault. Unfortunately, we humans are wired that way. Losing at the game of personal growth is almost inevitable Read More…
We are so excited to announce that you can now order your copy of the Soul Happy Book – available as an eBook or paperback! Order your copy here The Soul Happy Book: Reprogram Your Mind Using Groundbreaking Techniques Bridging Science and Spirituality A groundbreaking book to help you reprogram your mind for happiness, based Read More…