Now that you’ve completed the Soul Happy Technique, it’s time to reinforce it.
Haven't completed the Soul Happy Technique yet? Start your journey here.
Mental Rehearsal is a well known concept used by athletes and performers that involves imagery, visualization and repetition. The Soul Happy Technique® takes this concept one step further by imprinting on the conscious mind the tools (symbol, mantra, scent, touch) that we imprinted on the subconscious. Remember these tools now symbolically represent you at your highest potential. We’ve coined our version of mental rehearsal Conscious Imprinting.
Cara and Tracy know that as you get into your daily routines and patterns, your conscious mind falls back into old habits. To ensure ongoing success of the work you just did, you have to train the conscious mind. The good news is we’ve made it super easy for you, it will take less than 2 minutes.
Tracy and Cara are sorry to inform you that they are having difficulty at this time finding a company to provide this service.
In the meantime, here are some tips to still practice Mental Rehearsal: